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Strings represent text. Most of the time, they are used for debugging purposes.

1. Creating a string

Strings are created by enclosing text in double quotes:

Example of a string

"Hey there, partner."

2. String concatenation

2.1. Concatenating two strings

Strings can be concatenated using the + operator:

Example of string concatenation

"Hello" + " " + "world!" // "Hello world!"

2.2. Concatenating a string and another value

A string can be concatenated with a value of any type. The value will be converted to a string.

Example of string concatenation with another value

"I found " + 3 + " apples." // "I found 3 apples."

It makes more sense when the value is a variable:

Example of string concatenation with a variable

void main(void)
    int diceRoll = 1 + aiRandInt(6); // 1-6
    aiEcho("You rolled a " + diceRoll + ".");

3. Escape sequences

Certain characters cannot be used directly in a string. For example, since the double quote character is used to delimit strings, it cannot be used directly inside a string. To use such characters, you must use an escape sequence.

An escape sequence is a backslash (\) followed by a character. The backslash tells the game that the character that follows is special and should be treated differently.

Here's a list of the most frequently used escape sequences:

Escape sequence Character Example Result
\n Newline "Hello\nworld!" Hello
\t Tab "Hello\tworld!" Cannot be shown in this table
\" Double quote "Hello \"world\"!" Hello "world"!
\\ Backslash "Hello \\world!" Hello \world!